The ActisenseComms SDK is specifically for Windows systems and is the quickest and easiest way to access the NGT-1 (and NGW-1). For MAC and Linux based systems, we do have an alternative solution available – please contact the Actisense Support Team, for more...
When using a programming language other than C/C++ the ActisenseComms dll cannot be directly accessed, so a Wrapper is required to allow access. We currently provide Wrappers...
The SDK contains: All the files required to develop a software interface to a compatible Actisense product (NGT-1 and NGW-1) using C/C++ as a programming language...
The Actisense NGT-1 will gain Third Party Gateway (TPG) certification once the NMEA working group has finalised the TPG requirements. When the NMEA 2000® ‘Third Party Gateway’ certification...
Actisense NMEA Reader is a very useful resource that uses the ActisenseComms API to break down and display the individual fields of each NMEA 2000® message. The breakdown of the messages is great for debugging your own software...
The Actisense NGT-1 takes care of the vast majority of the NMEA 2000® protocol so the developer does not need to spend the many thousands (of $) on the complete NMEA 2000...
We are already helping a number of companies to create an interface to the NGT-1 (and NMEA 2000), please visit our “Software Compatibility List” page, for full details. If you would...
The ActisenseComms SDK and its ‘Wrappers’ are available to download without charge, please contact the Actisense Support Team, to discuss your project requirements and obtain the...