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Data not displayed from EMU-1

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When the engine information you were expecting from the EMU-1 isn’t available on your Multi-Function Display (MFD), we recommend checking the configuration settings of your MFD to ensure it has been setup correctly to receive data from the EMU-1.  The process for this will be different from each manufacturer to the next, so please check with the manufacturer of your MFD for instruction on how to do this.

If you have checked the configuration settings, the next thing that you can do is use your NGT-1 with our NMEA Reader software to check if the NMEA 2000 messages (PGNs) are being transmitted to the network from your EMU-1.

Here’s how to do that:

  • Download, install and open NMEA Reader
  • Connect your NGT-1 between your PC and NMEA 2000 network
  • Open the COM port to your NGT-1 from the drop down options and select the correct baud rate (115,200 or 230,400)


  • Open the ‘Network View’ tab to locate the source address number for your EMU-1.  The source address number is located in the column titled ‘SRC’


  • Open the ‘Data View’ tab in the bottom left corner


  • Find all the PGNs that are originating from the same source address as your EMU-1.  Click on each PGN in turn and ensure the ‘Details’ tab in the right hand NMEA Reader window is open to reveal the contents of each PGN.
    • For engine data, like temperature and pressure, you need the ‘Engine Parameters, Dynamic’ PGN (127489)
    • For RPM or boost pressure, you need the ‘Engine Parameters, Rapid Update’ PGN (127488)
    • For fluid level, you need the ‘Fluid Level’ PGN (127505)

If the PGNs you need ARE NOT being sent by the EMU-1, please check the configuration and power supply to the device.  The following articles may help with this:

Powering the EMU-1

Configuring the EMU-1

If the PGNs you need ARE being sent by the EMU-1 and still not available on your display, please contact the manufacturer of your display for further assistance.

For more information on NMEA 2000 and how it works, please download our free guide to NMEA 2000 networking here: https://test.actisense.com/complete-guide-to-building-an-nmea-2000-network/
